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1. This regulation aims to establish the rules at Eco Sports Park. in order to allow the enjoyment of recreational and sports activities in a transparent , organized, timely, and functional way with a sense of equality and equity.

2. Eco’s Sports Park reserves the right of admission to the complex.

3. Any person who uses our facilities will  behave consistent with the values of respect, courtesy and consideration to others.

4. Behavior within the complex and the courts will be appropiate. The use of profanity and offensive words to other people Is not allowed.

5. The entry of coolers, food or drinks of any kind will not be allowed.

6.  Shirt and shoes suitable are required at all times for those who visit the complex.

7.  Court users are obliged to wear sport clothes, being strictly required the use of tennis shoes or the appropiate shoes for the practice of the sport concerned. The use of any other type of shoes, including “spikes”, can cause damage to the artificial surface of the field, so it shall be strictly prohibited. On the Court all players must always remain with shirt .

8. When the courts are in maintenance the presence of any person is not allowed for safety reasons.




•       The  court’s schedule will be: Monday thru Sunday: 9:00 am to 12:00 am

•       Exceptions will be made  when leagues or tournaments are organized . In that case the courts will remain closed to the general public.Duration of time reserved

•       The time reserved will have a duration of 60 minutes. (1 hour)

•       It is an obligation and an act of courtesy, to evict the courts when someone enters to make use of their turn. On the other hand, whoever rents the Court, may do so at the exact time of their reservation.

•       Shifts begin and end exactly at the set time. If the person or group that made the  reservation is late in the use of their turn, they will lose that corresponding time and not may require extension. A buzzer will sound 5 minutes before the playing time is over . Then another buzzer will sound announcing that the shift ended.

•       Everyone is requested to comply with the times in and out of the Court independently that the other team had arrived or not to use them. There will be charged of $25  if the participants don’t leave the Court immediately after the second buzzer. 



•       You can reserve the courts through the Eco’s Sports Park website or by calling directly to the facility. A person who reserve by phone will have to obtain a confirmation number from the office of administration.

•       For reservations you must pay 50% of the total cost of the Court.

•       The methods of payment available are ATH, ATH MOVIL, VISA/MC.  We recommend to be at Eco’s Sports Park 15 to 20 minutes before the hour  already reserved due to the fact that the remainder of your reservation must be paid before using the Court. It is compulsory that every participant at Eco’s Sports Park must sign the Accident Waiver and  Release of Liability form.


•       A reservation should be cancel minimum 24 hours in advance to allow credit for the payment.  If you cancel 8hrs in advance you receive a 50% credit for your next reservation.  After 8hrs you will not be refunded. If you wish to cancel your reservation you may do so. In order to receive your full deposit you will need to cancel within 24 hours prior to your reservation. If you want to receive 50% of the deposit you need to cancel within 12 hours prior to your reservation. If the reservation is canceled after 12 hours prior to their appointment you will be charged the full deposit. In the event of no availability call 787.600.4991


1. The introduction of food, mini-fridges, glass bottles, cans or bottles of any kind. 

2. The consumption of food, as well as alcoholic beverages within the courts.

3. The introduction of flammable or explosive material of any kind and any others that might impair or harm users, staff or the courts.

4.  Bicycles, motor or any other vehicle similar are not  allowed access in the sports facilities or areas within the complex

5. Any acts that may cause damage to the sports facilities or any of its structures.

6. Enter or display banners, symbols, emblems, which can be considered as an act that incites or encourages violent behaviors, xenophobic, racist or as an act of manifest disregard to some participants in sporting activities.

7. Introduction or use of weapons, fire, flares, firecrackers, explosives, fireworks or any flammable or corrosive product.

8. Any other conduct which violates the good order and coexistence within the sports facility.

9. If any viewer or player physically assaulted the referee, ESP staff, another spectator or player will be sanctioned with lifetime expulsion of the complex.



© ECOS SPORTS PARK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED    |    San Juan, Puerto Rico    |   Terms & Conditions

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